
My favorite music artist is Noriyuki Makihara,who is the most famous male singer in Japan. As you know, he made a song called Sekai ni hitotsudake no Hana to SMAP. I most like his words. He always starts makes a song with writing words and after that he compose the song. So he is not a general singer song writer, his job is to say his words with a music. Finally, I’ll write the most favorite words from his songs. It’s “Don’t worry. You are not unhappy in the world”


A place I want to visit

        Where I want to visit is Okayama. I visited there last summer with my friends. When we walked a load in Okayama, there were really no people. It was very silent so I could took a rest. And there are vey good hot springs and foods. We went to hot springs six times per day. The most good food is matsutake. It smelled very good. I want to visit again to take good hot springs and eat good foods and take a rest with silence. Yet there are another place where I want to visit. It is Hawaii. I hate to ride on the airplane so I have never visit abroad. I always hear from m parents and friends about how interesting to visit Hawaii. For example, the sea in Hawaii is very beautiful and the climate is very good, not damp. So I want to over come airplane and enjoy Hawaii in the same time. These two places are expensive to go so I have to work so hard.