
Spring Break Plans.

My spring break plans

I'll play the guitar in the concert which is called 12-dai, which is the most famous concert in Waseda University. On April, each music club want more new members so they held some concerts. 12-dai is one of them and only one bank can play on the stage in each club. I was selected by the club member and our club is going to play the songs of Bump Of Chicken, who is one of the most famous artist in Japan. So I have to practice hard on spring break and I don't have much time to do other things. However I'm planning to go to Nagoya with my girlfriend. In fact she doesn't want to go to Nagoya and want to go Hokkaido but I don't like airplane and we decided to go to Nagoya. I suppose we can eat many good foods such as Tebasaki and Miso Katsu. I very likes them. Therefore it will be a good trip.


A Good (or Bad) Christmas (or New Year's) memory.

New year's eve in last year
I and my girlfriend live in Kita city in Tokyo. In December 31, we went to see the walking foxes. However these foxes are not real. They are those who wearing a mask painted a face of foxes. Of course I surprised that the walking foxes are very strange but what I was really surprised is that the half of them are form abroad. And new years countdown was counted in English. I felt that those who are from abroad love Japanese culture more than Japanese people and that we, Japanese have to try to do Japanese culture and tell that to my son and daughters. So I and my girlfriend try to do Hatsu Moude.  It was very enjoyable. I'll more try to do Japanese culture.


A Good (or Bad) Winter Memory

My Good Winter Memory

Last year, I was invited in a Christmas concert from music club I'm in. At the concert, I  played the songs by Ken Hirai and Gesu no Kiwami Otome. I played the guitar and it was very exciting. After the concert, we did a Christmas party. We enjoyed some foods such as pizza and cake and drank a lot. Then we exchanged ourselves some presents. I gave club leader an expensive cake. And I get two tickets of Disney land. I was very surprised. My club leader bought it for me. And after a month, I went to Disney land with my friend. It is a good memory.


Rock music is very interesting

Rock music is very interesting

We can listen a lot of kinds of music on App such as Apple Music and LINE MUSIC. I always listen to pop, rock, jazz, and soul. The I found one thing. It is that rock music is very interesting. First, rock has many categories. For example jazz has four famous categories such as New Orleans, Swing, Symphonic, and Modern. However rock has more than the other kinds of music. Rock has Metal, Progressive, Gram, Shoegazer, Math, Emo, Alternative and also. So we can enjoy myself listening to rock music in many ways. Second, many rock musicians has lots of funny story. For example, Ozzy Osbourne ate a bat on the stage and went to hospital on the way. And Napalm death has a song "you suffer...". This song finishes in 2 seconds. I love these stories. Finally, when we went to a rock music concert, we can listen to very loud songs and run riot. For example, in some concerts audience do mosh. I have do that once and it was very enjoyable. For these reasons, Rock music is very interesting and it is why I listen to rock music.


My favorite music artist is Noriyuki Makihara,who is the most famous male singer in Japan. As you know, he made a song called Sekai ni hitotsudake no Hana to SMAP. I most like his words. He always starts makes a song with writing words and after that he compose the song. So he is not a general singer song writer, his job is to say his words with a music. Finally, I’ll write the most favorite words from his songs. It’s “Don’t worry. You are not unhappy in the world”


A place I want to visit

        Where I want to visit is Okayama. I visited there last summer with my friends. When we walked a load in Okayama, there were really no people. It was very silent so I could took a rest. And there are vey good hot springs and foods. We went to hot springs six times per day. The most good food is matsutake. It smelled very good. I want to visit again to take good hot springs and eat good foods and take a rest with silence. Yet there are another place where I want to visit. It is Hawaii. I hate to ride on the airplane so I have never visit abroad. I always hear from m parents and friends about how interesting to visit Hawaii. For example, the sea in Hawaii is very beautiful and the climate is very good, not damp. So I want to over come airplane and enjoy Hawaii in the same time. These two places are expensive to go so I have to work so hard.



I'm Riki Takahashi. I have mother and father and no sibling. And I was born in Tokyo. I learn human science at university. I like to play the guitar. I don't have any pets.